Hava Tzu – Female Puppy

Birthday: August 15, 2023
Sex: Female
Size Range: 10-15 lbs
Color: Black & White

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The HavaTzu Breed

The HavaTzu aka Havashu is a mix of the Havanese and ShihTzu. The Havatzu is hypoallergenic.  Bursting with energy, the Havatzu is a small dog that is lively, affectionate and full of life.  She can have moments of hyperactivity, but most of the time she is very responsive and outgoing, greeting all visitors with an exuberant welcome. These dogs fit right into family life, blending well with other pets and children. They love to snuggle and will happily accept your attention and adoration. Occasionally you will notice a stubborn streak during training when your Havatzu have their own ideas about what to do, but patience and positive training methods will soon overcome her reluctance. They are people pleasers, and will do anything to make their people happy. While they don’t necessarily need a big yard, it would be a bonus as she likes to run around freely and explore her turf. They adjust well to apartment living as long as they get a daily walk and some play time in the dog park.

Stop In & Spoil Your Best Friend!

We sell the very latest fashion for your puppy, including: chic dog carriers, designer clothing, toys, fashionable collars and leads, and beautiful one-of-a-kind bowls. Our Boutique also carries high-quality dog supplies for puppies and adults. Featured brands include: Purina ProPlan Focus, Stella & Chewy’s, Red Barn Bully Sticks, a variety of treats, crates, and playpens.

Ask about our “New Puppy Packages” that include everything you will need for your new Furbaby!